What is your perception?

What do these people do for a living? Of the three, which one has been convicted of a crime?

Before you look at their information below, take a good, long look at their photos, hoodie and all.

[spoiler title=”see if your perception is correct”]This is Noel Williams. He is an Information Technology Specialist with a degree from Wilberforce University. Mr. Williams has no criminal record.[/spoiler]

[spoiler title=”see if your perception is correct”]This is Jay Gatsby. He is a journalist, podcaster, philanthropist and father. Mr. Gatsby has no criminal record.[/spoiler]

[spoiler title=”see if your perception is correct”]This is medical doctor, Renee Matthews. She educates healthcare professionals, other doctors and nurses, on the proper way to collect cord blood after the birth of a child. She has studied in the US, the Caribbean and even in England. Dr. Matthews has no criminal record.[/spoiler]


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