My mother’s pro-choice…

45 years and about nine months ago, my mother was a college student and a single parent to my older sister.

That’s not to say my daddy wasn’t around, because he was, as he was a student at the same college where my mother was a student.

And, of course, he was there when my mother got pregnant with me. 😀

I can only imagine what my mother must have been thinking, Continue reading My mother’s pro-choice…

Once upon a time: a lesson in authentic charity…

Once upon a time, there lived a man named Marvin whose home was a cardboard box deep in the city park that existed in the middle of a very busy part of the downtown business district.

Many homeless people lived deep in the park, because they knew that all the busy people going to and from work were good prospects for a few dollars here and there.

Marvin even had regular contributors who Continue reading Once upon a time: a lesson in authentic charity…

George Zimmerman…acting as an agent of the police?

There’s not a whole lot that needs to be said on why George Zimmerman should have been found guilty of the murder of Trayvon Martin.

The six-panel jury found Zimmerman not guilty because of Florida’s “Stand Your Ground” law. Because of this, they decided that a crime was not committed when Zimmerman shot and killed an unarmed youth.

However… Continue reading George Zimmerman…acting as an agent of the police?

When did I say I was better than you?

Have you ever noticed that it is the people who feel they are inferior to you who will tell you not to act like you’re better than them?

I have never said to anyone “I’m better than you, so listen to my advice,” but the person who feels inferior will usually accuse me of “believing” I’m better than them.

In actuality, the belief doesn’t come from the one being accused. It comes from the one doing the accusing.

Feelings don’t truly make anyone inferior to anyone else. Thank goodness feelings aren’t reality, even if feelings feel like the only reality.

Happy Mother’s Day, Tyrone!

Back on Father’s Day 2011 I wrote an article entitled, “Mother’s Day doesn’t come with a disclaimer, so STOP doing it on Father’s Day,” and now I’m back this Mother’s Day to acknowledge three fathers who have raised and/or are raising their child(ren) and have provided and/or are providing the majority of care for their little one(s).

The first two fathers I’ll have to mention only by example, because I don’t have permission from them to use their names and/or photos in this article, and I don’t want to disrespect their privacy. Continue reading Happy Mother’s Day, Tyrone!

Twitter Conversation: Access to the tools does not equal proficiency…

This Twitter conversation started with the following tweet:

In reply to it, @dioninfinite tweeted me the following:

Continue reading Twitter Conversation: Access to the tools does not equal proficiency…

Are you a designer/developer or just an activator?

I started doing web design/development back in 1999 when I was in the Army. At my first duty station, they made me a Webmaster and sent me to my first HTML-coding class.

Since then, I’ve graduated from an application called FirstPage to Microsoft FrontPage to Macromedia Dreamweaver to Adobe Dreamweaver to WordPress/JOOMLA!/Drupal to using Dreamweaver and WordPress/JOOMLA!/Drupal together as a web designer/developer.

Then there’s Continue reading Are you a designer/developer or just an activator?